Add : Khetwal Bhawan, Near Sun Temple Suraj Kund
Tel :
Mobile : 91-94111 13302
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Contact Person : Vaibhaw Kumar Tripathi
Purpose : Social development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To channelize the human energy towards social upliftment by thinking and acting collectively, by doing so seeking cooperation of the intellectuals and using initiative. To keep in mind the thrust areas to include environment conservation, wildlife & domestic animal protection, health, society, culture, non-formal education and assistance during natural calamities. To carry its programmes towards urban and rural areas for improving women and involve women and children.
To collaborate with other organizations engaged similarly. Creating awareness in the rural and tribal people, especially children and women, about education, environment, health and nutrition, welfare of the old and the handicapped, community participation, optimum utilization of local resources and making people self-dependent. Woman and child empowerment, sustainable agriculture, awareness about health especially HIV/AIDS, female foeticide, education and culture, water and sanitation, old-age home, rehabilitation of PWD SHGs and vocational training.
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