Add.: Kolkata
Pin: 700045
West Bengal
Phone: 91-33-24224855
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Shubhra Chatterji
Purpose : Quality and equity in education.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Vikramshila Education Resource Society is not for profit resource organization registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act. It is based in Kolkata with a 140 member strong team, working together to realize the mission of making quality education a reality for all children. Vikramshila works with teachers and teacher educators, children and community, government systems and educational institutions to bring about a transformation in education so as to make possible a world that is just, equitable and harmonious. Our core areas of work are action research and pedagogy, capacity building, advocacy and networking.In addition we have been actively advocating for childrens right to education, equity and for strengthening the public education system.