Add.: Babupara, Siliguri
Pin: 734405
West Bengal
Phone: 91-353-2563414
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: O.P. Sharma
Purpose : Endeavours to the cause of cows.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Shree darjeeling siliguri gousala is a registered institution registered under the west bengal society registration act. It is a religious -charitable institution mainly devoted to welfare of orphan and invalid cows. Establised in the year 1898, 110 years in age, at present it is running its objectives on its own 15 acres of land situated in siiliguri sub-division. Having branches at salbari at the foot hill of darjeeling, matigara, jalpaimore. The govt. of West Bengal has arbitrarily vested its 68 acres of land which was kept reserve for grazing field of the cows at matigara nad did not compwnsate even a single farthing. The istitution is being funded from the charity. Sale cowdungs and milk which it recieves from the cows rehabilated in goushala.