Add : Mathura
Purba Medinipur
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 80165 95823
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Contact Person : Pallab Jana
Purpose : Animal Welfare, Art And Culture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Community Development, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Cultural Issues, Development (General), Distance Learning, E-Learning, Education, Environment, Food And Nutrition.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our ngo has a very strong goal of improving the quality of life of the vulnerable children and orphans through providing education, giving care, love and support. Additionally, it promotes empowerment of rural community people in various areas affecting humanity. Mission to translate the lines of marginalized people especially the ones who have lost the dear ones and have no one to take care of them. Specific objectives to improve the quality of life of the orphans and vulnerable children by establishing a permanent home, school and health care centre for them. To train care givers in care giving skills to enable these children get adequate care, love and support to provide adequate education to these children to make them good citizens and have a better future through good education right from a tender age to create awareness to the community and the outside world the need to protect and support the vulnerable children and the orphans as well as protecting their rights.