Add : R-92, Akra Road, Garden Reach
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 72786 45315
Email :
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Contact Person : Shahjahan Malik
Purpose : Art and Craft, Art and Culture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Education, Employment, General – Social Welfare, Health, Human Development, Library, Poverty, Society and Economy, Training, Women Development/Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Allowing quality of education, awareness and health facility towards the society, especially for the poor, and those students who are very talented but fail to progress their study due to financial weakness. To identify and work with the impoverished, weaker and vulnerable sections of the society to find solutions to the challenges threatening their lives with the ultimate aim of establishing an aware, responsible and developed society based upon equality, fraternity and social justice. A part from this circumstances our aim is to make a path where study is mandatory and education is common. We work with people regardless of race, religion or political affiliation.