NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Kamta Cyclone Club, Purulia

Add : Kamta, Damda
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 97358 81139
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Manohar Mahato
Purpose : Awareness Generation, E-Learning, Education, Health, Library.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To organize, motive and help the villagers to build capacities, development attitude to overcome poverty and illiteracy. To improve health condition of the rural people thought health consciousness. To initiate vocational training for employment, self employment and income generation programmes for the poor. To eradicate illiteracy among the backward population. To remove the basic socio economic and environment problems of the area. To develop eco-system of the area for environment promotion. To foster equal progress of the people who are living in the ignorance of educational and illiteracy.

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