NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Dum Dum Nager Bazar Society for Education is the Key to Success, Kolkata

Add : 972-B, Jessore Road, Amarpally
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 89810 14147
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Contact Person : Janit Saha
Purpose : Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Education, Environment, Forest Management, General – Social Welfare, Legal Awareness, Poverty, Public Administration, Science And Technology, Sex Workers Welfare, Social Awareness, Society And Economy, Urban Development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Help the children of poor families for all communities and continuation of their studies, and help the orphan and street children with health & other activities for there development. Acquire established, start, aid, run, maintain & manage educational institution, residential primary school, libarary, charitable dispensary, old age home, withou any profit. Help the women in cries situation for their better livelihood. Pro and encourage advancement of literacy, cultural, scientific & technical education. Generate awareness & take initiactives on reproduction child health, mother and child care, aids, general health &hygiene, public health amaong the poor people of all communities. Arrange lectures, debates, discussion of knowledge and creating public opinion on health, education. Arganize anti-pollution & environment purification programme in West Bengal and all over in india. Aware people about the effect of music and movement tharapy. Arrange various types of function, festival, cultural, and othe activities. Provide food, clothes, shelter, medicine, book, copies to poors etc.

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