NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Dhakuria Sagari Academy, Kolkata

Add : 6, Babu Bagan Lane, Dhakuria
West Bengal
Tel :
Mobile : 90511 40118
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Contact Person : Suprio Ghosal
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aim objective mission of the society in present future : now provided free of cost education to the poor children (especially girls) to our society. (This program is running now) promote free health check up camp, free medicine distribution, various awareness camp of health and establish hospital, poly clinic, and diagnostic center for the benefit of the rural people. Identify specific cerebral, cardiac, renal, respiratory, eye and other major health anomaly of the rural people and communicate with district or state level of consultancy for provide better treatment. Identify cancer, aids, tuberculosis, leprosy and other communicable or non – communicable major disease and provide better treatment by the help of higher competent authority. Promote the prevention of child labour, child marriage and juvenile injustice. Promote the old-age home, prevention of dowry, sexual exploitation, prenatal diagnosis of unborn baby, indecent representation of women. Promote the prevention of misleading of drugs and magic remedies, misuses of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, drug addiction etc. Cooperate with national and international organizations having similar objectives and depute or receive representative from such organizations and to work for development of community awareness and vocational activity for the rural urban mass. Undertake different type of welfare programs for the disabled. Mission is to aware the rural people about their health, education and basic rights, assists them to recognize and improve their potentialities through skill formation, knowledge sharing and transfer of technical knowhow, guide them to generate economic benefit for promoting sustainable development in rural economy. Multidisciplinary segment of society need for recovery from disharmony and injustice comes to our mission for how much we can. A society where all live with dignity, enjoy equal opportunities and rights and share social responsibility. Sustainable development and self-reliance of local people through harnessing local resources and ensured participation of people in livelihoods development. Offer opportunities for personal basic educational and development of society. Motivate and encourage each person?s effort and achievement. Provide ongoing support system and services to the target group beneficiaries through efficient and ready available management information system. Reach out poorest and underprivileged section of the society for self-reliance in health, education and economic prosperity. Serve the weaker section of the community specially the landless peasants and marginal farm families. Undertake suitable activities for the welfare of the women and children empower the poor and marginalized communities through economic and development.

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