Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Anirban Welfare Society, Burdwan

Add : Krishna Bazar, Memari
West Bengal
Tel : 0342-2261023
Mobile : 89260 22380
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Hiralal Bala
Purpose : Development/Welfare, Youth Plantation and Poor Help.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To establish, start, aid, run primary school, arrange and organise lecturers, debates, seminars and excursion for the diffusion knowldge. We promote and encourege advancement of literary, cultural, political, religious and scientific education, to help the needy students of all communities for the prosecution of studies. Also, we help bthe aged, sick, helpless and indigent persons. We alleviate the sufferings of animals or other living creatures as may be deemed approprite. On the other hand, we engaged and assist in such other philanthropic activities as may be deemed approprite by the governing body of the society. We are also doing plantation, books distrubtion, blood donation, vetenary camp and so on awarness camp.