NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Swavlamban Welfare Society, Dehradun

Add: 96, MIG, Indira Puram, Phase I
Tel : 91-135-2521587
Mobile : 91-93195 66486
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Harsh Nidhi Sharma
Purpose : To empower meritorious girls from weaker sections of the society by providing them financial assist.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Swavlamban welfare society stands in solidarity with others in india and beyond to champion social justice and dignity for the poor, vulnerable and the most marginalised. We commit ourselves to principled positions and purposeful actions to empower women and girls.
When women are not allowed to play a significant role in society, half the knowledge, talent and strength that could improve conditions literally go to waste.
Women around the world share common concerns and challenges related to issues that affect their lives ? access to resources, participation in governance, managing their own and their families’ health, ensuring livelihood options, breaking out for madhya pradesh overty. These are realities that women and girls in india also face. Living in a society that gives more importance to men and boys, they are often denied access to education, heath-care and economic opportunities. In one country after another, swavlamban welfare society has found that the potential of women to create change is enormous. This is why swavlamban welfare society works to ensure that women can more fully realise their potential and rights.
Swavlamban welfare society helps women to fight for their rights, and to participate in decisions that affect their lives.
Swavlamban welfare society helps women to vanquish poverty by helping them confront and resolve unequal power relations and discrimination, especially gender discrimination, in all spheres of their lives.
Swavlamban welfare society also works with poor women and girls to expand and deepen their participation in local governance. This provides women with the opportunity to determine their own development choices, and to confront inequities through formal channels, and influence the policies and programs that affect their everyday lives.
Swavlamban welfare society also works with organizations and institutions to address gaps in critical national policies, programs and services, with a special emphasis on ensuring that they benefit more vulnerable groups, especially women.

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