Add : Near Dronagiri, Gauchar
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Mobile : 87550 90328
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Contact Person : Vinod Singh Kanwasi
Purpose : Art And Craft, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Development (General), Disadvantaged Communities, E-Learning, Education.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Education to everyone, child rights, women empowerment, environment, stopping child labor, polythene abolition, clean rivers, youth empowerment pyunli was born from the inspiration of vinod raghunath singh kanwasi and mahendra singh rawat. Starting with just high spirits & dedication, pyunli set out on its mission to help every child gain a quality education, regardless of their economic or social standing. Our main objective is to literate every one who is looking for education and knowledge. To generate self employment, awareness regarding social issues, right of women, right of children, to provide awareness regarding social responsibilities. Pyunli also focuses on capacity building and skill upgradation of the rural people especially women & children. It also emphasizes on human resource development by nurturing local talents and resources with various development skills through training workshops and learning exposures.