Add.: A 9, Adarsh Nagar
Pin: 246763
Uttar Pradesh
Mobile: 91-93197 85611
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Vipin Kumar Churiyal
Purpose : Promote and develop sports, sport science and youth activities
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To encourage national co-operation in the field of sports science and physical education. To promote stimulate and co-ordinate scientific research in field of physical activity, physical education and sport at National level and support the application of its result in various practical areas of sports. To make scientific knowledge of sport and practical experiences available to all interested national and international organization and institutions. To supports and implement initiatives with aims similar to those pursued by it self and initiated or developed by any other appropriate agency or organization in field. To start, establish, run or manage and maintain school for physical culture development of the massages especially in the field of sport health.