Add.: 301, Sukrit Enclave, Old R.T.O. Compound, Latouche Road
Pin: 226001
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-522-2231769
Contact Person: Ramkumar
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Summary of activities, milestone and outputs achieved details 1summary of key activities undertaken fact findings on dalit atrocities. Two refreshers trainings were conducted on fact finding on the incidents of Dalit atrocities. 19 new Fact finding incidents were undertaken to take up appropriate actions & 11 old cases have been followed up in previous quarter. Legal support provided to the survivors of Dalit atrocities inboth old & new cases (30). Field support was given to both old & new cases of survivors of dalit atrocities. Dalit land rights land situation assessment by using land assessment questionnaire in one village of 8 panchayats to have better understanding on entitlement and accessibilities & rights of dalit on land. Grass root mobilization and organizing of community organizations. 295 families were benefited under this activity. Women leadership. Two regional trainings on organization building to develop women leaders and to build up women collective. Assisted dalit women to get benefits and to avail facilities of government sponsored schemes like india avas yojana, widow pensions schemes, janani suraksha yojana through women CBOs. Monitoring of government schemes the government employment & welfare schemes like nrega, public distribution system, national rural health mission. Have been monitored. Successfully assisted dalit communities to get benefits and to avail facilities of government sponsored schemes like indira avas yojana, widow pensions schemes, janani suraksha yojana through mobilizing communities and public support regular Documentation.