NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Life Foundation, Aligarh

Add : Darshan Vihar, Ner Soot Mill Chauraha, GT Road
Uttar Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 88811 13699, 93195 70900
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Javed Akhtar
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Education, research and training: to promote & spread all kind of education including management, environmental, sociological, science, & technology education. To help poor/needy, minority, underserved, special category s & intelligent students for their welfare and to spread education in the society at large especially emphasis on women. To establish school(s), college(s), institution(s), training centre(s), university, charitable hospital(s), technical/management/medical and other institution(s), agriculture and allied research including organic farming entrepreneurship development education organization and opening of hospital for welfare of the society. The same can be opened in any state or union territory. To promote education in theory and practice through meetings discussions, lectures, research & field projects, seminars, conferences, programmers of studies, dissemination and exchange of information experience and ideas, libraries publication of booklets, abstracts, journals and periodicals, also to publish books on various themes, sectors, trades/courses etc. To collaborate and cooperate with other professional bodies, societies and with educational and research institutions having similar objects. To accept purchase, receive, take on lease to hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property, rights or privileges. To promote the use of information & communication technology (ict) & telecommunication for socio-economic development of the community. To promote participation of youth (unemployed as well as students) in income generation activities. To establish educational, professional and vocational institutions that would strengthen the developmental process. To promote and execute the skill development training programs of all modules & sectors approved by dget, ncvt, ssc, nsdc, mes, msd&e-goi & other government departments. To promote & conduct the assessment of skill development training in all modules & sectors approved by dget, ncvt, ssc, nsdc, mes, msd&e-goi. To promote placement & placement linked programs for empowerment of needy/poor, youth of the society. To arrange sport, cultural, festival and to give physical education to the students and particularly to the young students who have interest in the sports/cultural activities. To adopt any running educational institution(s) already working and giving education to the society at large to uplift the standard and to help the management financially as well as educationally. To organise training and refresher programmes for the volunteers and officials of different non government organisations to strengthen the development skills of trainees through iec (information, education and communication) which they can use in the development sector. To disseminate information and knowledge, to edit, publish, and print literature and documents, maintain libraries, and to organise seminars/ conference/ meetings etc. To organise lectures, seminars and workshops to help or strengthen the character building process to apply the central government or state government or other institution or other departments for allotment of land and building for the information if educational institutions such as school, public school, college/university, charitable hospital etc and/or for various grants to fulfil the objectives of the trust and to donation for running the same. Health: to spread awareness about std and hiv/aids and work for the welfare of people living with hiv/aids (plwhas). To work in the field of reproductive and child health services. To create awareness about communicable and vector-borne disease control measures through better hygiene and sanitation. To narrow the difference between the health status of people on the basis of their religion, region, caste, class and gender. To encourage organ donation. Development: to promote social welfare activities with special emphasis on women empowerment. To work for the betterment of weaker sections viz. Sc/st, women, children, senior citizens, and disabled etc. With a vision of social justice. To speed up the process of rural development and strengthen the agricultural, horticultural and animal husbandry sector. To eliminate child labour, child trafficking, and child abuse and focus on the education and resettlement of these deprived children. To form self-help groups and cooperatives and run income generation activities by linking them with banks through micro-credit. To establish and run old age homes, shelter homes, orphan homes, ambulance, hospitals, blood banks, dispensaries, libraries and distribute free meals. To work for betterment, care, welfare and rehabilitation of people with disability/special groups/mentally retarded. Nature & environment: to work for environmental awareness, sustainable development and participative management of local natural resources for village level development. To establish and run shelter homes, hospitals, dispensaries, ambulance and distribute meals for, stray, accidental, disabled, abandoned, missing, extinct animals/pets & birds. Social welfare & community development, awareness & mobilization: to fight against social wrongs like discrimination and harassment based on gender, caste and class. To create awareness among people about functions and powers of pris (panchayati raj institutions) and increase people s participation in democratic institutions. To create awareness about disaster management. To fight against corruption and make people aware about their legal and consumer rights. To create awareness among people for pure drinking water, water management, rain water harvesting, water shade management. To create awareness among people for health, nutrition, sanitation and to stop open defecation. To promote swachhta abhiyan, swachh bharat abhiyan & other government schemes. To conduct inmate welfare programs for prisoners. To promote urdu & sanskrit languages & create awareness among people. To create and run day care home for children. To create awareness among people of different communities/religion/region through different sources. Funeral of unclaimed corpse. Policy formulation and implementation: to work with the government and other ngos at the policy formulation level. To affirmatively coordinate with the state and central government in implementation of developmental schemes. To receive and accept subscription fees, gifts, donations and grants, scholarships in cash or in kind and the acquire of the very description in order to carry on the aims and the objectives of the trust and to apply the corpus of income of such donation and property for such objects. To collaborate with corporate houses to fulfil their social responsibilities. All the income of the trust shall be utilized only for the betterment of the trust & its aims and objectives. Trust shall have a succession and shall have common seal and sue and be sued by the said name. To do all the such act and things as may be necessary to the attainment of the aforesaid objectives as may fall the preview of the section of the society registration act. 1860. To form a professional, management of any other association and promote the same. In furtherance of the above objects, the trust may purchase or acquire land, building and rebuild, renovate, remodel, preserve and maintain them. Sell land and/or building already acquired and to purchase other suitable sites in their place, if and when so deemed expedient. Purchase taken on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable properties and construct and maintain such building and to all acts and deeds which may be expedient or necessary for all the said purpose. Cooperate and collaborate with other trust, institutions, companies, universities etc. With similar to those of the trust. Take over or to join hand and mange other trust, institutions etc. with objects similar to those of trust. Engage or employ person or grant contact for carrying out of one or more of its activities. Generally, do all other things, act and deeds as may be directly or indirectly conducive or incidental to the attaining of the objects of the trust or any object.

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