Add.: A-11, Sector 2
Pin: 201301
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-120-4661000
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Mamta Mishra
Purpose : Capital for mfi activities.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Drishtee Foundation vision is to communicating ICT for development. Drishtee Foundation mission is to understand, promote and synergizm the ICTS for socio-economic development of rural community. Drishtee Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that facilitates a communication link between the ICT and its users, service providers and implementers. The most common Challenge being faced by the ICT networks and the Information Centers today is in reaching out to the communities, i.e. bringing them closer to the ICT centers. In the rural environment, it is very important to put efforts for enabling the ICT network get across various barriers