NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Always Believe In Yourself, Hamirpur

Add : Mehar Kothi, Vivek Nagar
Uttar Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94508 33786
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Alok Sharma
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Corporate Social Responsibility, Development (General), Disaster Management, Employment, General – Social Welfare, Local Administration, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Right To Information, Trafficking Of Women, Women’S Issues, Yoga.
Aim/Objective/Mission : There is our vast motive and objective to be conducted by the ngo, for which utmost efforts are being done. At present we have achieved the following objective within a short period. Embroidery, sewing training to the needy and helpless ladies. Mobile set repairing training to the unemployed youth. Active mission for abolition of child labour and bonded labours. Providing adequate assistance to the unemployed youth for self ?employment based on their qualities and education. Electrical mechanical training to unemployed youth in view of self ?employment. At least 1000 unemployed persons are getting the above various training and at present, within a short period of one month from registration, without any financial assistance either from govt./other/ngo/private persons, which clearly indicate our dedication in the work of social welfare. Apart from above, the objectives of this ngo is very vast in the field of:- health & family welfare. All possible help including self employment to the widows, elders and orphans etc. Abolition of bonded & child labours. Overall help in development of rural & tribal people. Overall help to the blind, handicapped and orphan childs. All possible efforts in removing various types of pollutions. All possible assistance to the downtrodden people in the field of rti, human rights etc.

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