NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Baba Garia Mission, Atharabla

Add : Garia Hathai, Atharabla, Manikya
Tel :
Mobile : 94364 96101
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Samir Jamatia
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To establish and maintain quality – educational institutions for the deserving people particularly for tribal students, libraries and reading room for the welfare of the society. Devote in the activities for over-all welfare and development of the educational institutions and to make endeavour to establish technical wing in the institution. Take initiative for preservation of indigenous religious faith and traditional culture of the jamatia community and for development of human resources of the tribal people. Run coaching centre for drop out students and also for the current students. Establish and run vocational training centre in free of cost i.e. Computer, motor driving school, motor mechanic, weaving, welding, scooter mechanic, mobile phone & tv Repairing, bamboo, electrical, tailoring, monteswari teacher. Establish centre for coaching of sports & games. Take steps to set up health care units in the villages and also to create awareness on health, nutrition, hygiene on water & other related matters foster, maintain and improve friendly relation and co-operation among the members of the society and also among the members of the tribal community. Publish books, journals, posters for betterment of the youngsters in connection with the attainment of the objectives of the society. Collect subscriptions and donations from members and others to attain the objects of the society. Take up with the government of indiaor state government or any other organizations for financial assistance for effective and proper management of the institution. Acquire by purchase or lease or otherwise, lands, building and other properties movable or immovable as the society from time to time may think fit for the welfare of the society. Accept, bequeath, gift, grant or endowment for the attainment of the object of the society. Do all such other things as may be conducive or incidental to the attainment of all or any of the objects. Work as a non-political organization. The mission may organize for unity, integrity, peace and consensus among the people for the cause of protection of interest and fulfilling the aims and object of the community and the state. Keeping pace with the time in the need of changed situation the mission may launch a wide democratic movement for the cause of jamatia hoda and for the interest of the state and nation as a whole.

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