NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Pioneer Welfare Society, Khammam

Add : Main Road, Kalluru
Tel :
Mobile : 94923 12754
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Contact Person : V Satyanarayana
Purpose : Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, Consumer Issues, Development (General), Disaster Management, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To serve the needy poor with overall development by involving themselves in the development with sustainable activities. To promote the rural skills through training programs for men and women. To provide the basic needs of the people like food, shelter, medical, agricultural and welfare activities for the needy. To provide the educational facilities in the villages through non-formal education, adult education for men and women and to establish to educational institutions whenever able in order to provide regular education to children. To promote the education on environment, natural resources protection methods through the activities of social forestry, watershed and horticultural programs etc. To promote thrift and credit activities for men and women. The association is right to borrow the money from financial institutions, ngos for lending business. To provide income-generating activities through different programs and other skill development programs for self-sustainability of men and women. To co-operate/collaborate with government and non-government agencies with similar aims and objectives. Utilizing local and international resources in notable charity services for the poor and needy.

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