NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Kratos Focus Community, Hyderabad

Add.: Hyderabad
Pin: 500026
Mobile: 91-99631 91709
Contact Person: Murali
Purpose : Education, health, environment, rural development, physically handicapped, animal husbandry.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To promote human values in society and organization by proper education training and consultancy. To Land development through agricultural promotion wet and waste land development, tree plantation and implementing other agri technologies. To organize and conduct schools of instruction, both secular and religious. To provide animal husbandry treatments, hospitals, medicine. To help the preservation of cattle and useful animals. To collect, solicit and accept funds or other subscriptions for the carrying of the work of the society and for any other religious or benevolent purposes. To uplift the down trodden and bring them up to the absolute status in the community.

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