NGOs India and Funding Agencies

CHAI – Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad

Add.: 157/6 Staff Road, Gunrock Enclave
Pin: 500009
Phone: 91-40-27898756, 91-40-27848293
Contact Person: Dr. Sebastian Ousepparampil
Purpose : Catholic health institutions.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : CHAI upholds its commitment to bring health for all. It views health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of sickness. Accordingly, CHAI envisions an India where in people, are assured of clean air, water and environment; do not suffer from any preventable disease; are able to manage their health needs; are able to control the forces which cause ill health; enjoy dignity and equality and are partners in decisions that affect them, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or economic status, and respect human life and hold and nurture it to grow into its fullness. In order to realize the vision, CHAI endeavours to promote community health, understood as a process of enabling the people, especially the poor and the marginalized, to be collectively responsible to attain and maintain their health and demand health as a right, and ensure availability of health care of reasonable quality at reasonable cost.

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