Add.: 23-Jan, Periyanayakipuram
Pin: 614713
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4369-314768
Mobile: 91-98426 07609
Contact Person: K.Senthilkumar
Purpose : World peace, Gender issue, Health, Education
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To create a world wide peace & harmony through welfare & development activities without among any kind of discrimination of religion, colour, gender, race and etc., the mission of the PALAM which is conscious of the concerned with liberation not oppression freedom not slavery, light not darkness health not disease, life not death. Natural disaster relief and rehabilitation. To protect the women from eve teasing sexual exploitation and traffic ling. To give vocational training for youth and adult in the rural area for in come generation. To do relief and rehabilitation services for the welfare of disabled persons. To arrange for health education and health camps for women to prevent cancer / hiv infection. To promote cultivation of medicinal herbal plantation and bio-diversity conservation. To do welfare activities for fisher man and ensure the protect the sea resources. To organize rural youth to protect the people against any national calamity and disaster.