Add.: 5, IIIrd Main Road West, Shenoy nagar
Pin: 600030
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-44-26260097, 91-44-26212550
Contact Person: Andal Damodaran
Purpose : Child welfare, Development(General), Human Rights, Media, Rehabilitation, Women’s issues
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Vision of ICCW: A society which cares for its children by giving first priority to their needs, rights and protection thereby ensuring opportunities for the fullest development of the innate potential of every child leading to the well being and happiness of both individuals and families. Our Mission and objectives as stated in the constitution of the Council are as follows: To ensure for children their basic human rights to survival, physical, mental and social development and opportunities to grow to their full potential. To work for the protection of children against neglect, abuse and exploitation. To initiate, support or undertake any activity for betterment of families and communities that will ultimately enhance the quality of life for children. To initiate, undertake or aid directly or through District Councils or Institutional Members Schemes for the furtherance of Child Welfare/Development in Tamil Nadu.