Add : Behind Rajwada Kothi, Tulsi Nagar Coloney, Shyopur
Madhya Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94251 36450
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Uma Chaturvedi
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : Sahyog is active in identifying the source of income and its raising, primary health care, rehabilitation of disabled people, organizing the programs against poverty. Sahyog is working on the issues of women empowerment and tribal upliftment in district sheopur and shivpuri. Resulting, sahria are coming forward for their rights and mounting pressure for solution of issues related to them. Sahyog s motive: to maintain equality among men and women, the sahyog is determined to establish society by organizing corner programs in villages. The sahyog is also working on removal of untouchability, caste clashes, and religious clashes. Sahyog is trying to its best level to unite people toward the path on humanity and maintain peace. Sahyog s Mission after independence deprived people suffering a lots of in human act, now, sahyog is sincere to remove social differences and poverty. Sahyog is carrying out the program of awareness on priority basis for skill development of women and children in ptg area. Sahyog believes in providing environment right with social justice to weaker section and tribe s belt and creating social harmonies and building nationalism among them.
Add : Bada Baja,r Purani Shivpuri
Madhya Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 96911 70499,90393 16610
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Pankaj Sharma
Purpose : Education, Health, Human Rights, Library, Plantation, Waste Management, Women Development/Welfare Samaj Seva.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Health awareness & social awareness.
Add : 24, Hanuman Mohalla, Sirsoud
Madhya Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 89820 61647
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Gaurava Sharma
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : Literacy, parity & prosperity is our motto with objectives enumerated below. Interlinking right to information activism and soicoeconomic advocacy. Capacity expansion of micro and small level social and economic institution. To promote use of information communication technology (ict) for socioeconomic development of the community. To organize training and refresher programmes for the volunteers and officials of different non government organizations to strengthen the development skills of trainees through iec (information, education and communication) which they can use in the development sector. To organize lectures, seminars and workshops to help or strengthen the character building processs to promote education, especially girl education. To create awareness against drug menace. To assist in the field of blind control programmes of government. To take steps to strengthen helath infrastructure in rural India (both technical and physical assets). To work for the betterment of women, children, senior citizens, and disabled and to fight against social wrongs like discrimination and harassment based on gender etc. with a vision of social justice. To eliminate child labour, child trafficking, and child abuse and focus on the education and resettlement of these deprived children. To fight against corruption and make people aware about their legal and consumer rights. To work with the government and other ngos at the policy formulation level to affirmatively coordinate with the state and central government in implementation of developmental schemes to promote forestry, joint forest managment practices, community foresting and various forets and allied actvities to incorpaorate technically advanced well equipped methods in farm management practices. optimal farmer, finance and market linkage (ffm management) to aid, assist and support district administration in implementation of various policyand porgramme of socioeconomic importance. To ensure transparency in day to day affairs of governance and fix individual accountability to carry out social audit of various work taken by panchayati raj institutions, district administation and other organisation at village, block and district level. To conduct educational, environmental and sociological studies of prime importance independently as well as in collboration with various education institutes.
Add : Kanya Vidhyalaye, Tekri Gali
Madhya Pradesh
Tel : 07492-224844
Mobile : 93011 71379
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Ankur Kushwaha
Purpose : Child Rights, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Livelihood, Social Awareness, Training.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Food and nutrition improving the coverage and quality of education of children improving health status of all segments of the target population improving nutritional status of children with emphasis on girls organizing and strengthening the target community to work collectively towards its own development training we are giving training program medical campaign we provide the medical service for the patient of free of cost and we arrenge campaign senior citizen & women and child development.