NGOs India and Funding Agencies

SKGVS – Sucheta Kripalani Gram Vikas Sansthan, Jodhpur

Add.: Matrachhaya, 3 Shiv Colony, Chainpura, Mandore
Pin: 342016
Phone: 91-2922-287018
Mobile: 91-94142 47158
Contact Person: Indar Singh Solanki
Purpose : Rural development, women empowerment, child development etc. Education, health old age care etc.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : SKGVS has been making steady progress in its efforts to promote equity and social justice through strengthening rural communities by building awareness of their duties and rights and need to organise themselves for concented action. Special emphasis has been consistently laid on the necessity to help the weaker sections to better their living and working conditions. To ensure the restoration of a sustainable environment by initiating efforts from local people. To generate awareness among rural communities particularly among poor, so that the poor and unerprivileged people could take benefit from development schemes.

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