NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Sahaj Sansthan, Jodhpur

Add : B-182, Jawahar Colony, Khichan (Phalodi)
Tel :
Mobile : 99502 22895, 94144 12367
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Babu Ram Bishnoi
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : Vision our vision is empowered communities with a vision of gender equity to enable an environment of fulfilling human aspirations with highest moral values mission our mission is to aware, educate and empower poor and marginalized communities to participate in rural development missions and programs for the alleviation of poverty among the masses. Our mandate is organize local level institutions to identify the local level issues and raise voices of the masses at the appropriate forums and bring solutions for the advancement of the poor and marginalized communities. Objectives sahaj sansthan since its has laid thrust inception emphasized on raising the awareness and educating the poor and marginalized communities towards the process of democratic decentralization introduced by the government of Rajasthan for the development of rural areas of the state is to cultivate a sense of leadership among the people. It will help in the implementation of development-work in future and will fulfill the requirement in a proper way. Despite decentralized governance, the development-work in the rural areas remained negligible. Geographically Rajasthan is the largest state in India. Two third of its geographical area is either drought-stricken or semi drought-stricken while the remaining area is green and fertile. Human beings as well as live stock largely depend upon nature. In such a situation, the development works become all the necessary. Therefore, the organizational aims and objectives are aligned towards but not limited to. Awareness and education primarily to the children, women and adolescence to support the issues faced by based organizations (such as self help groups, children, aganwadi, school management committees, panchayats, etc) are instrumental in improving the overall health and education standards of the children, women and adolescence by providing better access through government run schemes, corporate social responsibility initiatives and the other resources available at the local level regular capacity building of the community, community level organizations, volunteers and local level panchayati raj institutions (pris) to enhance the level of awareness at the community level on various focal areas and the core competencies of the sahaj sansthan; sahaj sansthan brings direct support for the people or groups in special need (deaf and dumb, and special circumstances (natural calamities such as drought) through voluntary contribution at the community level or from the various donors in order to protect such type of groups and circumstances; community development without the participation of the community and local level institution usually remain unsustainable. Therefore, sahaj sansthan keep sustainability of program/project activities as the primary mandate and the programs/project are implemented with the participation and aspiration of the community and local level organizations/institutions. There are enormous issues and challenges at the community level and communities have been trying to cope with their level best. However, the emerging issues such as climate change is one of the serious challenge and will have multiplying effects or impacts for our as well as for the future generations. Sahaj has been building its capacities to aware and educates communities in days to come to mitigate the effects of the climate change sahaj sansthan has highest level of accountability to serve the communities without compromising the rich traditions and cultural diversities of Rajasthan. Gender sensitivity and equity of the community is the primary mandate for sahaj sansthan; sahaj sansthan is grown over a period of time and is open to add value to its focal areas by developing strategic alliances for expansion of its activities and bring the convergence for the activities that are implemented. Core competencies over a period of more than 20 years, sahaj sansthan has attained the competencies in following areas: mother and child health and nutrition adolescent reproductive sexual health girls education youth empowerment family welfare child rights, human rights, right to education hiv/ aids prevention awareness water and sanitation (total sanitation campaign) environment & forests formation of self help groups, micro credit and enterprise enhancement local institutions building, policy advocacy and local governance primary sectors/subsectors sectors/subsectors

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