NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Network for Positive People Living With Hiv/Aids Sanstha, Jalore

Add : Vatsalya Child Care Home JNP, Quarter-5/6, Narmada Colony, Samtipura Road
Tel : 02973- 222050
Mobile : 85600 24142
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Jagdish Kumar
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : To improve the quality of life of people living with hiv/aids including children and women mission the needs of plhiv to be addressed at local, regional, national and international level in order to serve them better. Objectives to protect the rights of plhivs to carry out the awareness, counseling and other positive activities to prevent hiv/aids in the area of hiv/aids, affiliate the network with national and moving to inter-national coalition for generating support for education, prevention, care and support for plhivs benefiting all with the knowledge and experience of agencies and people engaged in the sector. To understand and explain the integrity of the issues of hiv/aids in Rajasthan and India. To provide a platform for advocating adversity caused by aids, by involving people from grass root. For helping plhivs contact donors for financial assistance. To bring the attention of mass public and carry out the educational activities on hiv. To protect plhivs from exploitation, mitigating discrimination being practiced with them, availability of drugs for treatment, counseling and care for plhiv. Core activities of the network networking building service delivery referrals counseling psycho- socio support linkages with government and non-government, cso, volunteers, like minded organizations and individuals, positive / motivational speaking, capacity building, skill development, legal help, promotion of positive prevention, generating awareness, advocacy and sensitization.

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