NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Social Welfare Security Guards Association, Pondicherry

Add.: 16, Nallandu Masthri Street, Karamani Kuppam
Pin: 605004
Mobile: 91-96005 31363
Contact Person: R.Rajasegar
Purpose : Social work
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Social Welfare Security Guards Association is an NGO registered under Society Act XXI of 1860 in the Government in India. This has been doing various social and environmental activities related to contemporary issues along with the participation of the inhabitants of the concerned vicinity. The main objective of SWSGA is to develop the social, economical and educational status of the society in conjunction with the environmental awareness. To promote and develop the general welfare, betterment and advancement of the whole people. To run rehabiliation center for destitute, children and other magila welfare center, training center etc. To organize conduct seminars, awareness programmes, research activites, orientation programs, comperirions, exhibitions, all government programes.

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