Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Sabaramati Samiti, Berhampur

Add : Bandar, Haripur, Gopalpur-On-Sea
Tel :
Mobile : 94377 90372
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Gopabandhu Behera
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : Sabarmati samiti is formed in the year 1987 to work towards empowerment of women in fishing farming communities along the coast of ganjam district through awareness, organization and mass mobilization, the target group of the organization consists of the most exploited and economically weaker sections of the society and dalit community of anticipated area, at the beginning the organization started a project on adult education in the block of puri district for the fisher folk community, there after the organization has been involved with many social development projects for the social economic development of fisher folk and other backward communities. The organization also gave emphasis on formation of peoples committees in project area to raise various development environmental issues of the area. Numerous issues raised by the organization which are the increasing trend of engaging child labour in various hazardous occupations pollution of environmental, health hazards, disaster preparedness, education, climate change, peace building and rehabilitation programme etc. Our mission-we work for the cause and care of people for improve their quality of life stand for prospective change through action and promotes peace, focusing on village based community work in local governance and promotion sustainable integrated area development and people s participation and facilitating resources tenure improvement and implement educational approaches in building peace and conflict transformation. We take action effectively on ecological sustainable development. Vision-sabarmati samiti has its vision to oppose against the thought of negligence towards elders. We incorporate our programmes and forces, which deliberately promote for wellbeing of community as a whole. We also facilitate them to meet their better health, education and sustainable livelihood. The motive behind set up sabarmati samiti is to attain better community strength by exploits communities possessing capacity. The main intention behind our effort is to achieve sustainable livelihood for tribal and other weaker section of the society. We enhance their capacity through awareness camp, skill development programme and provide useful information to improve their resources. We also work on gram panchayat level having the aim to support grassroots level action toward empowerment of people, particularly the adivasis and scaling up approaches that are innovative both in terms of programme content and strategy technology, social mobilisation approaches, local institution building, architecture of partnerships, management techniques etc. We also execute our concentrate on the vulnerability of local places to climate change on livelihoods, agriculture and development, and the role of the people in development of irrigation, to offer alternative ways to overcome from the difficulties appear due to climate change and violent conflict.