Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Institute for Exceptional Children, Mumbai

Add.: 2nd Floor, Rooms 35 – 38, Topiwalla Lane Muncipal School, Opp Bhadamkar Marg
Pin: 400007
Phone:? 91-22-3868501
Contact Person:? Esther Dubey
Purpose 😕 Child welfare, Disability, Education
Aims/Objectives/Mission 😕 IEC provides specialised psycho-educational and psychotherapeutic service to learning disabled. Emotionally disturbed children to enable them to stay in schools and eventually become contributing menders of the society. IEC also provides enrichment service to intellectually gifted children to enable them to achieve in keeping with their potential. It also provides counselling and other support services to the families of the children.