NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Samyak Prayas Welfare Society, Gwalior

Add : F-72, Hari Shankar Puram
Madhya Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94257 27207
Email :
Websit :
Contact Person : Ranjana Singh
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Animal Welfare, Art And Craft, Art And Culture, Awareness Generation, Blindness, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Disaster Management, Education, Forestry, Hiv/Aids, Human Development, Human Rights, Mentally Handicapped Persons, Minorities, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Peace, Physically Disabled, Sericulture, Social Awareness, Right To Information, Tribal Issues, Water, Wildlife, Women Development/Welfare, Yoga, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Save girl child, care old persons and childhood.

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