Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Azad Viklang Kalyan Samiti, Jhabua

Add : Maghanagar
Madhya Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 98278 27312, 80856 46965
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Kamlesh Rathor
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Animal Health, Animal Welfare, Awareness Generation, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Community Development, Disability, Food And Nutrition, Health, Hiv/Aids, Human Development, Human Rights, Old Aged Welfare, Rural Development Vision Envision A Society Wherein Equality And Justice Are Extended To Every Person With Disabilities And Avail Life With Dignity And Immense Opportunity For Prosperity.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To generate awareness of disability, its early detection and preventions among community and different stakeholders. To form and strengthen Community Based Organizations (CBOS) and self help groups (shgs) of person with disability towards building capacity and self confidence. To develop sustainable livelihood opportunity for them through awareness of alternative livelihood sources, honing vocational skills and networking with various schemes by government and non government organizations. To provide required help to disabled persons to get treatment from the govt. Hospitals, travel concession certificates and other required services through counseling and guidance centers at rural areas. To run various development programs like health, education, women and youth empowerment, social awareness etc to mainstream persons with disabilities.