NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Varada Social Development Sangha, Gadag

Add : Mallapur, Station Tq Ron
Tel :
Mobile : 70901 90949
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Contact Person : Rajesh Karamadi
Purpose : Child Labour, Development (General), Education, Employment, General – Social Welfare, Governance, Health, Human Development, Labour, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Orphanage, Pollution, Population, Poverty, Public Administration, Rehabilitation, Rural Development, Sanitation, Self Help Groups, Sericulture.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The aims and objectives of the association are and shall be to work for service to the humankind not for the self gains or profit of the members. To take up research work for sustainable development of the communities. To organize trainings, awareness camps on income generation activities for women, down trodden and poor youth for their economic progress. To organize rural women and engage them into thrift and credit activities to attain financial potentiality to lead life with dignity. To establish co-operative societies, co-operative banks to organize and development of the weaker section people to start and run the formal and non-formal, residential and non-residential educational institutes from nursery to post graduate level and medical colleges for the benefit of the poor thereby increase in literacy and eradication of ignorance. To start and run self-employment training institutes and career guidance cell for rural youth and urban poor youth to start hostels for working women, students to provide better protection and support them to achieve their aims to conduct lectures, seminars, debates, competitions and educational camps on burning issues of society to enhance their knowledge on fight in legitimate way for equality, dignity of life and freedom for students to conduct studies, surveys on various issues of all areas of society to know the situation and arrive with the solutions and shall submit the recommendations to government for further needful action to organize, conduct trainings, awareness camps to promote sustainable agriculture and its allied activities that improve lifestyle of poor farmer?s family. To work for the overall development of the rural community particularly in waste land development and rural cottage industries, traditional occupations. To take up activities on protection of rural art, artisans and their culture to retain their existence for next generation. To take up activities to increase in the status of health and hygiene conditions of rural community and families to develop institutional set-ups for old age people, orphanage and handicapped persons. To take up human resource development activities and work as service provider to government and other agencies on contract basis. To assist state and central government in implementing developmental programs, awareness programs, educative programs in order to improve the socio-economic and educational conditions of the rural poor, minority people, vulnerable people, tribal people, socially neglected people. To give donations for shipwrecked people and deserved people, organizations, registered firms, etc. The association shall be managed by a body of 9 members known as executive committee duly elected by the general body once in three years at the annual convention of the association. The income and property of the association as and when accrued shall utilize solely towards the promotion of the objects of the association.

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