Add: Gadiban Mohalla, Sira
Pin: 572137
Contact Person: Dr Rajegowd
Purpose: To serve the society.
Aim/Objective/Mission: To etablish gym and conduct yoga classes &games both indoor &out door games &cultural activities&fine arts. To provide comprehensive health care system through medical camps out reach clinical health awareness veterinary animal welfare programme. To establish hostel to the poor students. To formed self help groups for rural, workingwomen and children development service awareness programme and supply of food and civil supply for welfare of bc and minorities student hostel care and management for both boys & girls the uee goal for RBC & NRBC. To estt orphan and women & child welfare programme midday meals programme & conduct dum & duff programme. Cosumer awareness programme legal awareness programme road safety education environmental &rural development programme conducting & to conduct literacy adult education night school to the illeterates.
Mobile: 91-93796 15095
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