NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Krushi Mitra Grameen Abhivruddhi Sansthe, Gokak

Add : Ashok Towers, Anand Talkies Road
Tel : 08332-224221
Mobile : 93421 50266
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Contact Person : Nanjundappa G Jugali
Purpose : Agriculture, Community Development, E-Governance, Education, Human Rights, Law, Legal Awareness, Livelihood, Rural Development, Sanitation, Social Awareness, Women Development/Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Vision : to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate and to be an organization that continually respond to the changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towards development of sustainable society that promote and protects the equality, social justice and human rights for all. Mission : the organization organize program to facilitate the development of our societies through social work, research work, nations and its program as well reaches out to the larger community through extent ion at local, national levels. Mainly focusing on social justice, agriculture, human rights, education, self employment and rural development. Our core values: our commitment towards a better society drives us. Krushi mitra’s core values inform all of our work. They shape what we do and how we do it. They bind us to a collective vision and purpose. Respect: krushi mitra staffers act in a manner that reflects a true belief in and appreciation for the dignity and potential of all human beings. Gaining people s’ confidence and creating an environment of trust and openness is essential to our work. Integrity: maintaining social, ethical, and organisational norms, firmly adhering to codes of conduct and ethical principles are inherent to krushi mitra.commitment: using appropriate interpersonal styles and techniques to gain acceptance of ideas or plans, modifying one? ‘s own behavior to accommodate tasks, situations, and individuals involved. Excellence : setting high standards of performance for self and/or others assuming responsibility and accountability for successfully completing assignments or tasks, self-imposing standards of excellence ensuring interactions and transactions are ethical and convey integrity. Krushi mitra also embraces diversity through promoting, valuing, respecting and fully benefiting from each individual’s unique qualities, background, race, culture, age, gender, disability, values, lifestyle, perspectives or interests, creating and maintaining a work environment that promotes and celebrates diversity.

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