Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Inetrnational Union for Health Promotion & Education, Bangalore

Add: 56, Hutchins Road, 6th Cross, St Thomas Town
Pin: 560084
Contact Person: Vidyanathan NR
Purpose: Child welfare, Health, Population, Rural Development, Training
Aim/Objective/Mission: The International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) is a global voluntary association of people and organisations established in 1951 in Paris, France. It is dedicated to the promotion of health through education, community action and development of public health policies. The IUHPE provides an ideal interdisciplinary forum for members around the World to share knowledge, experience and expertise. The IUHPE is in official relationship with the WHO, UNESCO and UNICEF. It collaborates with governmental and non-governmental organisations to develop and improve the theoretical and practical aspects of health promotion, health education and health communication.

Tel: 91-80-25467049