Add: F-01, Moonshine Apartments
Pin: 560084
Contact Person: A. Henry Amalaraj
Aim/Objective/Mission: The objects of our trust are to establish, maintain or grant aid to homes for the aged, orphanages or other establishments for the relief and help to the poor, needy and destitute people, orphans, widows and aged persons. To establish and develop institutions for the physically challenged and disabled or mentally challenged persons and to provide them education, food, clothing or other help. To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as famine, earthquake, flood, fire, pestilence, etc., and to give donations and other assistance to institutions, establishments or persons engaged in such relief work. To establish, maintain and run studentships, scholarships and render other kind of aid to poor students including supply of books, stipends, medals and other incentives to study, without any distinction as to caste, color, race, creed or sex.
Mobile: 91-98451 66752
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