NGOs India and Funding Agencies

Dharmagiri Social Welfare & Development Trust, Bangalore

Add : 9-O-B, Choodahalli, Udayapura, Kanakapura
Tel :
Mobile : 94812 50076
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Mukunda K
Purpose : Agriculture, Child Labour, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Disability, Economics And Finance, Health, Micro-Enterprises, Old Aged Welfare, Self Help Groups, Water, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues Services.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Mission to empower women to be control of their own lives. Mainstream them in the society where they enjoy equity in social economical, political and cultural rights with that of men and achieving this through research, community based interventions and collaboration with exsting service providers and organizations vision establish a free, secular, non-denominational non-violent, non-exploitative and gender equitable society.

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