Add: T.V. Station Road, Sirsi
Uttar Kannada
Pin: 581402
Contact Person: Shreedhar Hegde
Purpose: Childrens education & cultural activites.
Aim/Objective/Mission: We have started social organization in Karnataka. That is Balasaraswati Educational And Cultural Trust. We are working since 1997. First we started a childrens monthly magazine called aralupratibhe. Primary school childrens are the writers to that magazine. With that we are doing so many personality development programs like residential summar camps. Now our work is suffering from money mater. We have so ambition in this field. But we cant do because of money. We are redy to give you all my work proof last 10 years. That is useful to children.
Tel: 91-8384-223456
Mobile: 91-93410 59111