Add: Chistia Building, Circular Road, Lalpur
Pin: 834001
Contact Person: S.M. Mazhar
Purpose: To be member of your organization
Aim/Objective/Mission: To promote behavior change communication amongst the target group To promoted the uses of condom amongst the target group in area. To promoted STD treatment and care seeking behavior. To promoted education about AIDS through door to door communication. To advanced for the equality in social life, economy and political issues. Organizing the people in community based organization (CBO) like Gram Vikas Samit, Gram Shiksha Samiti, SHG Mahila Samitis etc. To provided basic education to children, women, farm laborers, neo-literates. Reproductive and child health programmes. To advocate coming, promotion of woman and child rights. Development programmes of handicrafts. Avocation human rights issues. Our expert grass root workers and animators are reaching on the door stapes of under privileged and unnerved people for working with the Organization. Thousands of people are supporting our views, vision and mission. We take a pledge to serve the common mass.
Mobile: 91-94713 29628