Add: S.D. Pubic School Campus, Zone 1 B, Birsanagar, Hurlug Road
Pin: 831004
Contact Person: Binay Shankar
Purpose: Social development
Aim/Objective/Mission: Free rescue operation in natural calamity. Supply of seeds, manure, fertilizers etc to the farms. Exchange of information with the farmers regarding. The new machines and technology related to the agricultural products. Providing health care and education facility to the disabled people. Encouragement of society against the ill-social practices of child-marriage, child labor, dowry system. Giving information to the people regarding there rights, there fundamental duties, panchayati raj etc. Running educational mission for giving education to poor children. Giving free treatment to poor people and organizing vaccination camp. Exchanging information regarding dangerous diseases. Giving information regarding conservation of energy, and use of renewable sources of energy like gobar-gas plant, solar cell etc.
Tel: 91-657-2282282
Email: [email protected]