Add : Dumroun Road, Ichak More, Hazaribag
Tel : 0654-6232946
Mobile : 98359 13512
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Pawan Kumar Sinha
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Navchetan welfare development society is a non-profitable and non-political grass root level voluntary organization. The organization found its genesis on 2012 in hazaribagh districts as one of the richest district in undivided Bihar, while at present jharkhand for natural resources. But also a maximum people live in the districts below poverty line because lack of knowledge, illiteracy, superstition, exploited by vested interest person/middle men and also drought effects. Navchetan welfare development society is formed towards helping people to raise their voice against exploitation, corruption, violence and infringement of basic human rights. Nwds is emphasized to consciousness of people for better management of their resources. Nwds is registered under the society registration act xxi in 1860, vision – nwds wants to establish an equitable, egalitarian non-exploitative society, with empowered social order characterized by economic self-reliance. Mission – ensure all round development of the villagers so that optimum utilization of the existing resource can be assured objectives:- to ensure basic needs to the weaker section people through economic development program to empower women for the equitable development of the society to ensure rehabilitation of disable person in the mainframe of the society to promote and ensure judicious exploitation of locally available natural resources for a betterment livelihood of the people.