Add : H-88, Argora Housing Colony
Tel :
Mobile : 94311 93199
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Ajay Kumar
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, Development (General), Disaster Management, Grants Aids, Human Development, Human Rights, Legal Awareness, Livelihood, Natural Resource Management, Peace, Pollution, Poverty, Rehabilitation, Rural Development, Self Help Groups, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Sustainable Development, Training, Tribal Development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aim & objective extend the value of morality, self respect devotion to motherland & dedication to the cause of humanity. Promote appropriate action programme where legitimate of education, health, environment, human rights, children & women welfare are threatened. Develop an information system based on education, health, environment, agriculture, food & nutrition for the use of rural st&sc. Make the rural poor masses sensitive towards their needs, employment and rights. Development cultivation, poultry, fishery, animal husbandry and plantation and to train the rural poor masses to help themselves to actively participate in development process. Initiate activities including social service at the time of natural calamities. Organize recreation and culture programmes for men, women and children preferably in tribal & rural areas. Undertake consultancy, assignment, project on human development and ecological development. Collaborate with organizations institutions in indiaand abroad in achieving the aims and objectives set as above including exchanges of ideas and their implementation. Vision humanity has a vision to form a just and self ?reliant society having human values and to work for the oppressed and the disadvantaged section of the society particularly st, sc & the poor through multi dimensional human development awareness and training programmers. Missions humanity has been working for the poor, ignorant and downtrodden in a manner so as to empower them to utilize their potential, rights and resources for their overall development in a sustainable manner and lead their life themselves with the principle love humanity, fight devilishness & :we are human by caste, humanity is our religion.