Add: 6 A Upper Ahata Amar Singh, Gen. N.C. VIJ Road
Pin: 180001
Jammu & Kashmir
Contact Person: :
Purpose: Social worker
Aim/Objective/Mission: To eradicate all sorts of voices in young generations via-a-vis smoking. Drinking, drug addicts and other vice and to being them round so they are able to face the society. T o inculcate feeling one ness. Universal brotherhood. To hold seminars, meeting. Holding of debates to educate youth regarding their moral character and behavious. To help the poor and done trodden both financially and otherwise, to make him/her stand upon his/her own legs. To provide jobs oriented programmes like garment making tailoring etc. Towards widows, helpless and poors youth/peoples ladies without discrimination on the basis of cast and creed sex. To provides free medical assistance to needy.To establish the training camps of various fields to remove unemployment amongst un employed youth.
Tel: 91-191-2546585
Mobile: 91-99060 04453
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