Add: Sevaniketan, Kunjwani by pass, Gangyal
Pin: 180010
Jammu & Kashmir
Contact Person: Niamat Ali
Purpose: Women empowerment, child development & rural development.
Aim/Objective/Mission: CSSS of J & K is a registered organization. The establishment of the society is the result of our prompt and constructive response to the antisocial elements likes inequality, injustice, dehumanization, terrorism, endemic illiteracy, poverty, etc. The society has been initiating the process of social transformation through animation and people?s organization since 1986. Women, youth and children are our main target group. We are also initiating the process of organizing the people through the formation of various groups like the self help groups, village health committees and farmer?s club etc.
Tel: 91-191-2481222
Mobile: 91-94191 16238
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