Add.: C/o Principal Mahida, Kadod
Pin: 394335
Mobile: 91-93284 78196
Email: [email protected]
Contact Person: Cat Biddle
Purpose: Improvement of rural education.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : The Nanubhai Education Foundation strives to bridge the gap between rural and urban education in India by providing rural non-English medium government schools with English teachers and access to technology. The Nanubhai Education Foundation is currently working in 4 schools in rural Gujarat catering to 8000 students in total. Along with providing before and after school spoken English classes, Nanubhai teachers run the school English classes, build computer labs, and also provide technology training to their students. Simultaneously, the foundation provides for existing Indian teachers to access training materials and sponsor them to go to conferences so that they may improve their teaching abilities to become more effective as educators.