Add : Opp. Referral Hospital, Nr. Chc, Danta
Tel :
Mobile : 94263 91257, 97247 50171
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Vipulkumar Gurjar
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Animal Health, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, Consumer Issues.
Aim/Objective/Mission : We are committed to create strong and independent society inequalities and discrimination, where everybody enjoys equal opportunities. To foster democratic & equitable living environment, where all vulnerable people specially underprivileged, women and children have to access to education, health, sustainable live hood opportunity and essential infrastructure services irrespective of their economic and social status. Main thrust area in activities of the organization. Organization has been working on different issues with the support of government, other ngos and local community. The main activities of the organization are as under health education. Organizing various medical camp & iec activity for reducing mmr & imr. Disabled welfare, skill development for disabled, employment opportunities, free food & shelter orphanage, homes for orphan children, education, health services elderly support, old age shelters, pensions chimes, health services women empowerment self-help-groups, maternal health issues, nutrition food for pregnant women to aware people from safe drinking water and sanitation education capacity building, related issues like decreased school droup out rate, increase school enrolment rate, awareness regarding science and their events legal advocacy. Organizational development.