Add : A-157, New Kamalkunj Society IOC Road Chandkheda
Tel :
Mobile : 90997 76529
Email : [email protected]
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Contact Person : Makwana Dipakkumar
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Ayurveda, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Cultural Issues, Development (General), Disability, Disadvantaged Communities, Disaster Management, Distance Learning.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Organisation achievements educationally enabled 125 poor pupils by admitting them in government schools educated 225 child labourers through nonformal education, empowered 425 women and 150 youth by equipping them through skill training, treated the illness and addressed the common health problems of 15 villages through periodical health camps, constructed 25 houses for dwelling and updated the irrigation facilities of three villages through desilting the irrigation canals and percolation tanks. Present programmes supplementary education programme for sc/sts awareness generation camps hiv /aids awareness camps environmental awareness camps handicrafts training mother and child care programme self help group (shgs) target area background & problems sadbhavna charitable trust concentrated in 25 and rural villages of ahmedabad district. Women’s and girl’s situation is hardly understandable for outsiders. But tbe born as a daughter a women has restrained from education, socialization and participation in the decision making process. As a wife, a woman sadbhavna charitable trust has tprocreate children for the husband and rear them. She has the obligation tprocreate a baby child? failure would result in deprivation of conjugal life with the husband. Still there are many other forms of mental violence against women. Moreover, beatings and other forms of physical violence are considered as normal practices in the hillvillages. When girls or young women get married, alsthey are not supposed tstay with their birth family. They are considered tlive with the husband’s family. This leads tthe opinion, that investment on girls education is useless because it does not give any return tthe parents. Hence, often the boy child alone enjoys the investment on education and development. This discrimination leads the girl tgrow as illiterate, ignorant and inferior persons, which turn out in poverty and a submissive status. Health condition health condition in the targeted villages is comparatively poor and needs more attention by the government as well as by the nongovernmental organizations. However, a number of factors put the population of the target areas both at special risk for the poor health plight. These factors include population density, rudimentary housing, dwindling ways of making a living, poor sanitation and health care systems and lagging literacy and education. Tribal people have also traditionally been isolated from the rest of the district and are at the bottom of the region’s socioeconomic ladder. Morbidity, mortality and frequency of illness are much higher among the targeted villages and coastal communities and particularly among women, than in the rest of the district. Literacy and education the targeted community alslags behind the general population of gujarat in literacy rates and education levels. If they send the children tschool at all, most families stop the education of their children early, as the industry has the tendency tabsorb young workers in large numbers and they find themselves unable tdsbecause of their lack of education and alternative skills.