Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Mahiti, Dholera, Ahmedabad

Add :Bhim Talav, Rahtalav Road, Dholera
Tel : 02713-293071, 02713-313437
Mobile : 95588 03902
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Dinesh Pandya
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Introduction since 1981, mahiti ? rural development centre has been working as a grass-root organization. In 1994, it was formally registered as a society and public charitable trust. It works in the most difficult area of bhal region which consists of coastal area of Ahmedabad, Bhavngar, Surendranagar and Anand district of Gujrat state, India. Bhal is a region where salinity ingress is very high, the land is very saline, the ground water is saline and has no irrigation facilities. This area also has a very strong caste system and is still dominated by the culture of feudalism. Mahiti works for the rights of specific social groups called dalits (scheduled caste) and kolis (other backward caste) with focus on women. Mahiti focuses on mobilizing and organizing the poor, discriminated and marginalized communities in accessing their rights and development through empowerment and human rights based approach. Vision envisaging a just society without oppression, discrimination, injustice by abolishing discriminations created by unjust social structures and to improve the livings standards of exploited / marginalized sections whiles making them self-reliant in Gujrat state, Indiamission mahiti?s mission is to empower the poor, discriminated and marginalized communities with focus on women to bring about concrete and sustainable changes in their lives and also to address issues of injustice through strong organization of people and their leadership. Objectives empower women and youth by strengthening leadership for effective political participation and to fight against social injustice. Develop natural resources and to promote better access and control over natural resources for the marginalized communities. Develop local resources to strengthen livelihood options for the marginalized communities. Improve and provide civic amenities improve and provide health facilities mobilize women to address the issues of marginalized communities. Thrust areas / strategic programs socio-economic empowerment of the poor discriminated and marginalized communities with focus on women area level women?s savings & credit cooperatives as a medium for empowerment. Facilitating integrated development programmes by mobilizing government and other resources for sustainable livelihood for these communities. Addressing issue of drinking water through innovative experiment and policy advocacy. Promoting and strengthening community based health programmes. Creating spaces and developing vocational skills for youth for their development. Community based disaster mitigation programme. Social justice programs developing, capacitating and supporting a cadre of voluntary leaders for social action which addresses issues of discrimination, atrocities and other forms of injustices. Legal aid & counseling centre.