Add.: C-106, Royal Chinmay, Opp. IOC Pump, Off.Judges Bunglow Road
Pin: 380054
Phone: 91-79-26854248
Contact Person: Nupur
Purpose: Legal aid, advice, advocacy, awareness, training, research and documentation.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Increase awareness and sensitivity of human rights amongst stake – holders. Provide platforms constantly where different stake-holders can come together on various human rights issues affecting the vulnerable namely, women, dalits and tribals. Improve the quality of legal education at various levels like the community, law colleges, state bodies like police academy, jail training institute, etc. Provide quality legal services to the vulnerable groups specially women, dalits, tribals and prisoners. Link grassroots experiences with policy level advocacy for law reforms. Bring about a human rights perspective to the judiciary and other stake-holders.
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