Profiles of Indian NGOs & National - International Funding Agencies - Government Grants

Vatvriksha Chaya, Goa

Add : 19, Dhondebhat, Neura
Tel :
Mobile : 73507 48000
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Nagesh Phadte
Purpose : Specially Work For Green Enviorment
Aim/Objective/Mission : To provide technical training to the youths in gaining self- employment with the help of governmental agencies and ngo s working in the direction. To help and work for the society without any profit motive to promote activities related to empowerment of women. To help and support poor and needy children for granting education. To conduct vocational training and organize awareness program on various schemes of assistance by the central and state government. To help physically handicapped and disabled persons in the society. To develop the entrepreneurial spirit amongst the people by providing hand holding support for entrepreneurship. To provide shelter to the stray cattle s, feed them and to protect their lives with medication etc. To promote cultural activities. To help and assists needy patients who have nobody to look after them. To bring all voluntary organisations working in the field of nature, environment and ecology under one platform. Work for clean and green environment by discouraging plastic use by substitutions with paper bags etc. To do all lawful acts, deeds of things that is incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives. To discourage anti-national activities going on in the society by reporting the same to the appropriate authority. To help and facilitate school, colleges and youth from both rural and urban areas to work for green environment. To assist centre, state governments, wwf- nature and other likeminded ngo s in the different activities conducted by them related to nature environment and ecology. To raise funds for the activities of the society such as research, competitions, exhibitions, seminars and workshop trainings, street plays etc. To help in maintaining the stock of biological wealth and bio diversity. To help the accidental persons by donating blood or any other help required in the emergency in absence of the relatives or any financial support.